NPTEL Data Science for Engineers Week 3 Assignment Answer

Learning Objectives :
  1. Introduce R as a programming language
  2. Introduce the mathematical foundations required for data science
  3. Introduce the first level data science algorithms
  4. Introduce a data analytics problem solving framework
  5. Introduce a practical capstone case study
Learning Outcomes:
  1. Describe a flow process for data science problems (Remembering)
  2. Classify data science problems into standard typology (Comprehension)
  3. Develop R codes for data science solutions (Application)
  4. Correlate results to the solution approach followed (Analysis)
  5. Assess the solution approach (Evaluation)
  6. Construct use cases to validate approach and identify modifications required (Creating)
INTENDED AUDIENCE: Any interested learner
PREREQUISITES: 10 hrs of pre-course material will be provided, learners need to practise this to be ready to take the course.

NPTEL Data Science for Engineers Week 3 Assignment Answer

Course layout

Week 1:  Course philosophy and introduction to R
Week 2:  Linear algebra for data science
                1. Algebraic view – vectors, matrices, product of matrix & vector, rank, null space, solution of over-determined set of equations and pseudo-inverse)
2. Geometric view – vectors, distance, projections, eigenvalue decomposition
Week 3: Statistics (descriptive statistics, notion of probability, distributions, mean, variance, covariance, covariance matrix, understanding univariate and multivariate normal distributions, introduction to hypothesis testing, confidence interval for estimates)
Week 4:  Optimization
Week 5:  1. Optimization
2. Typology of data science problems and a solution framework
Week 6:  1. Simple linear regression and verifying assumptions used in linear regression
2. Multivariate linear regression, model assessment, assessing importance of different variables, subset selection
Week 7:  Classification using logistic regression
Week 8:  Classification using kNN and k-means clustering

NPTEL Data Science for Engineers Week 3 Assignment Answer

Week 3 : Assignment 3

Due date: 2025-02-12, 23:59 IST.
Assignment not submitted
1 point

Sumit wants to contact one of his friends, but he remembers only the first 9 of the 10 digits of the contact number. He is sure that the last digit of the contact number is an odd number. He selects an odd number randomly. If the random variable XX denotes the last digit of the contact number, then calculate Var( XX ).

1 point

Suppose XNormal(µ,4)X∼Normal(µ,4). For nn = 20 iid samples of XX, the observed sample mean is 5.2. What conclusion would a z-test reach if the null hypothesis assumes µµ = 5 (against an alternative hypothesis µµ≠ 5) at a significance level of αα = 0.05?
Use F1zFz−1 (0.025) = −1.9599

1 point

A box contains 8 items out of which 2 are defective. A sample of 5 items is to be selected randomly (without replacement) from the box. If the random variable XX represents the number of defective items in a selection of 5 items, then find E(X)E(X).(Enter the answer correct to 2 decimal places)

1 point

Suppose XNormal(µ,9)X∼Normal(µ,9). For n = 100 iid samples of XX, the observed sample mean is 11.8. What conclusion would a z-test reach if the null hypothesis assumes µ=10.5µ=10.5 (against an alternative hypothesis µ10.5µ≠10.5)?

1 point

Let XX and YY be two independent random variables with Var(XX) = 9 and Var(YY) = 3, find Var(4X2Y+64X−2Y+6).

1 point

The covariance between two random variable XX and YY is −3.749, their variance is given by 3 and 5. Compute the correlation coefficient.

1 point
When will you reject the Null hypothesis?

1 point

A sample of NN observations are independently drawn from a normal distribution. The sample variance follows


1 point

A car manufacturer purchases car batteries from two different suppliers. Supplier XX provides 55% of the batteries and supplier Y provides the rest. 5% of all batteries from supplier XX are defective and 4% of all batteries from supplier YY are defective. You select a battery from the bulk and you found it to be defective. What is the probability that it is from Supplier XX?

1 point
Which one of the following is best measure of central tendency for categorical data?

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