Nptel Introduction to Database Systems Week 2 Assignment Answer

Databases are the backbone of almost all the digital services and e-governance solutions. Modern businesses and financial systems heavily depend on databases systems and transaction processing for their successful operation. This course introduces the students to the various theoretical and practical principles involved in the design and use of databases systems with the help of database management systems (DBMS) and the SQL Standard
INTENDED AUDIENCE  : Any Interested Learners

PREREQUISITES  : Studying B Tech (computer science) 3rd year, Discrete Mathematics or Discrete Structures, Programming and Data Structures

Nptel Introduction to Database Systems Week 2 Assignment Answer

Course layout

Week 1   : Introduction and part of E/R Model Module
Week 2   : ER Model Module
Week 3   : Relational Model Module
Week 4   : Relational Model Module
Week 5   : TRC Module and part of SQL Module
Week 6   : SQL Module
Week 7   : Indexes Module
Week 8   : Indexes Module + Query Processing Module
Week 9   : Normal Forms Module
Week 10 : Normal Forms Module
Week 11 : Transaction Processing Module
Week 12 : Transaction Processing Module

Nptel Introduction to Database Systems Week 2 Assignment Answer

Week 2 : Assignment 2

Due date: 2025-02-05, 23:59 IST.
Assignment not submitted
1 point
While creating an ER diagram, Arjun is confused as to what shape he must choose to represent the attribute “Hobby” of the Person entity type. Arjun understands that a person may have many hobbies. Which of the shapes should he choose?
1 point
Suppose R is a relationship type with two participating entity types E1 and E2. The number of entities in E1 and E2 are 2 and 4, respectively. How many different non-empty relationship sets are possible in this case?
1 point
Suppose X is a composite attribute of an entity type and has three components – C1, C2 and C3, where C1 and C2 are multi-valued. If domain sets of C1, C2 and C3 have 2, 3, and 5 elements respectively, what is the size of the domain of X?
1 point
Suppose worksAt is a relationship type with two participating entity types Person and Organisation. What is the appropriate cardinality ratio for Person:Organization?
1 point
In the company XYZ, employees are given freedom to choose upto 3 projects to work on. Usually, a team of 4-5 people work on a given project. Suppose worksOn is a relationship type with two participating entity types Employee and Project. What is the appropriate cardinality ratio for Employee:Project
1 point
Consider a binary relationship ExistsIn between entity types City and State. It records as to which city is located in what state. Suppose the cardinality ratio constraint of the this relationship is expressed using (min,max) notation as (u,v) on the line connecting City to ExistsIn and (x,y) on the line connecting State to ExistsIn, which one of the following is correct: (Assume that the capital of any state is a city).
1 point
The value of a composite attribute depends on the value of some other attribute.
1 point
The domain of a multi-valued attribute is the set of subsets of the set consisting of basic values.
1 point
In many to one binary relationships between two entities E1 and E2, an E2 entity may be associated with many E1 entities whereas an E1 entity may be associated with at most one E2 entity.
1 point
An entity set relating to itself gives rise to a recursive relationship
1 point
Suppose entity set A = {a,b,c,d,e} and entity set B = {w,x,y,z}. They participate in a binary relationship R and the instances in R are: { (a,w), (a,z), (b,w), (c,x), (d,x), (e,y) }. Which one of the following is correct?
1 point
Choose the correct statement
1 point
Which of the following is true with respect to ER model design choices:

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