Nptel Introduction to Machine Learning Week 4 Assignment Answer

With the increased availability of data from varied sources there has been increasing attention paid to the various data driven disciplines such as analytics and machine learning. In this course we intend to introduce some of the basic concepts of machine learning from a mathematically well motivated perspective. We will cover the different learning paradigms and some of the more popular algorithms and architectures used in each of these paradigms.
INTENDED AUDIENCE : This is an elective course. Intended for senior UG/PG students. BE/ME/MS/PhD
PREREQUISITES : We will assume that the students know programming for some of the assignments.If the students have done introductory courses on probability theory and linear algebra it would be helpful. We will review some of the basic topics in the first two weeks as well.
INDUSTRY SUPPORT : Any company in the data analytics/data science/big data domain would value this course.

Nptel Introduction to Machine Learning Week 4 Assignment Answer

Course layout

Week 0: Probability Theory, Linear Algebra, Convex Optimization – (Recap)
Week 1: Introduction: Statistical Decision Theory – Regression, Classification, Bias Variance
Week 2: Linear Regression, Multivariate Regression, Subset Selection, Shrinkage Methods, Principal Component Regression, Partial Least squares
Week 3: Linear Classification, Logistic Regression, Linear Discriminant Analysis
Week 4: Perceptron, Support Vector Machines
Week 5: Neural Networks – Introduction, Early Models, Perceptron Learning, Backpropagation, Initialization, Training & Validation, Parameter Estimation – MLE, MAP, Bayesian Estimation
Week 6: Decision Trees, Regression Trees, Stopping Criterion & Pruning loss functions, Categorical Attributes, Multiway Splits, Missing Values, Decision Trees – Instability Evaluation Measures
Week 7: Bootstrapping & Cross Validation, Class Evaluation Measures, ROC curve, MDL, Ensemble Methods – Bagging, Committee Machines and Stacking, Boosting
Week 8: Gradient Boosting, Random Forests, Multi-class Classification, Naive Bayes, Bayesian Networks
Week 9: Undirected Graphical Models, HMM, Variable Elimination, Belief Propagation
Week 10: Partitional Clustering, Hierarchical Clustering, Birch Algorithm, CURE Algorithm, Density-based Clustering
Week 11: Gaussian Mixture Models, Expectation Maximization
Week 12: Learning Theory, Introduction to Reinforcement Learning, Optional videos (RL framework, TD learning, Solution Methods, Applications)

Nptel Introduction to Machine Learning Week 4 Assignment Answer

Week 4 : Assignment 4

Due date: 2025-02-19, 23:59 IST.
Assignment not submitted
1 point
The Perceptron Learning Algorithm can always converge to a solution if the dataset is linearly separable.
1 point

Consider the 1 dimensional dataset:

State true or false: The dataset becomes linearly separable after using basis expansion with
the following basis function


1 point

For a binary classification problem with the hinge loss function max(0,1y(wx))max(0,1−y(w·x)), which of the following statements is correct?

1 point
For a dataset with n points in d dimensions, what is the maximum number of support vectors possible in a hard-margin SVM?
1 point
In the context of soft-margin SVM, what happens to the number of support vectors as the parameter C increases?
1 point
Consider the following dataset:

Which of these is not a support vector when using a Support Vector Classifier with a polynomial kernel with degree = 3, C = 1, and gamma = 0.1?
(We recommend using sklearn to solve this question.)
Kindly download the modified version of Iris dataset from this link. Available at: ( The dataset contains 150 points, and each input point has 4 features and belongs to one among three classes. Use the first 100 points as the training data and the remaining 50 as test data. In the following questions, to report accuracy, use the test dataset. You can round off the accuracy value to the nearest 2-decimal point number. (Note: Do not change the order of data points.) 
2 points
Train a Linear perceptron classifier on the modified iris dataset. We recommend using sklearn. Use only the first two features for your model and report the best classification accuracy for l1 and l2 penalty terms.
2 points
Train a SVM classifier on the modified iris dataset. We recommend using sklearn. Use only the first three features. We encourage you to explore the impact of varying different hyperparameters of the model. Specifically try different kernels and the associated hyperparameters. As part of the assignment train models with the following set of hyperparameters RBF-kernel, gamma = 0.5, one-vs-rest classifier, no-feature-normalization.
Try C = 0.01, 1, 10. For the above set of hyperparameters, report the best classification accuracy.

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